Os Gemeos – Mural at Ica Boston Video by MoCAtv
Gli affezionati e fans di vecchia data, ma anche per i nuovi, ricorderanno lo splendido intervento compiuto dal duo Os Gemeos sulla facciata del la Boston Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) nell’Agosto scorso (qui).
A distanza di parecchi mesi, MoCAtv ci regalo uno splendido video con la possibilità di vedere da vicino il work in progress di uno dei pezzi meglio riusciti dello scorso anno, non solo, il canale tematico dell’importante galleria, dà voce agli artisti che parlano e spiegano il proprio e personalissimo modo di intendere l’arte. Tutto per voi.
São Paulo based graffiti artists Os Gemeos (The Twins) are internationally known for their vivid, surrealistic painting style and its playful political commentary. Before they began painting, Os Gemeos were active in their neighborhood’s b-boy scene, where hip hop culture had reached by the late 1980s and gained a particularly strong presence. With limited contact to hip hop’s origins in New York, Os Gemeos began developing their own technique and style, eventually infusing Brazilian cultural elements and imagery into their work. Since then, Otavio and Gustavo Pandolfo have gained worldwide notoriety and an influential fan base. The Institute of Contemporary Art/Boston recently invited Os Gemeos to have their first solo museum exhibition in the United States, where the pair showed paintings and mixed media pieces. In conjunction with the eponymous exhibition, Os Gemeos painted a large mural — one of the first of its scale in Boston — as a gift to the city.