Liqen – New Wonderful Mural in Quito, Ecuador
Poche chiacchere, quando Liqen decide di dare colore alle sue opere il risultato diventa a dir poco emozionante. L’artista spagnolo continua il suo trip in Ecuador, così a distanza di qualche settimana da “El Vuelo del Agualalachate”, lo street artist si concede questa facciata all’interno del Centro Cosmológico del Aguacatl a Quito.
L’utilizzo di tinte in acrilico, il duro lavoro a cui l’artista si è sottoposto vista la qualità dei materiali e la difficoltà di lavorare attraverso una tecnica “classica”, ci regalano un opera sudata e studiata con un risultato finale dettagliatissimo e veramente pazzesco.
Non aggiungiamo altro, vi lasciamo in compagnia delle immagini per farvi apprezzare al meglio quanto portato a termine da Liqen.
During my stay in Quito working on this mural after having impregnated the abundance of the forest and its morphological trip, mixed with tenderness of the Ayala family, Rita, father Raul, Raul, Ana, Nicolasito, Cris, all general , we received a nice stay in Ecuador, to the point of finishing the mural done in avocado cosmological center where prove rich avocado grown by Raul Ayala and pampered by Rita Bedoya, where also responsible for other fruits such as dragon fruit and tangerine, which are transformed into birds in the mural, the story goes that the monkey, spiritual symbol of Rita , is guided by the Cotopaxi (Ecuador volcano),
Long ago I stripped the line, working back to painting painting process tried to achieve in the classics, something ridiculous just for the quality of the material, was a difficult exercise to do well, also for the quality of the painting, almost almost transparent when wall threw our fresh, not dry until not appreciated the actual color it was, had to use divination techniques, … bristle brushes too fat and opened while pouncing on me, was a work suffered, but I live there is to know and understand the suffering as something positive, to be milder in the future, and to transform it into essence of life on earth, is impossible without suffering.
Pics by The Artist