HORFE – Discusses His New Works and “Imaginarium” Exhibition
Grazie ad uno stile molto personale e facilmente riconoscibile HORFE appartiene alla ristretta cerchia di leggendari graffiti artist. Il lavoro del writer Parigino ha coperto negli anni una serie incredibile di treni, strade attraverso un divertente stile di graf comics. Completamente fuori dal contesto delle gallerie, recentemente l’artista si è dedicato ad “Imaginarium” un interessante personale organizzata dai ragazzi di Topsafe, già famosi per gli splendidi video della serie Crack and Shine, con all’interno disegni, bozze e tele ed addirittura una tattoo session su appuntamento.
I ragazzi di Hypebeast sono riusciti a placcare HORFE all’interno dello show per farlo parlare a ruota libera proprio su questo suo ultimo spettacolo ma anche sulle origini e la successiva evoluzione del proprio personalissimo stile. Quattro minuti circa di video che sono un antipasto del completo recap che vi proporremo nei prossimi giorni, enjoy it.
Hailing from the city of Paris, Horfe’s playful comic-style of graffiti can be easily recognized as he has been steadily covering trains, streets and rooftops for over a decade. Expressing somewhat a disdain for gallery street artwork, as graffiti must be “illegal to fit that bill,” Horfe believes that the gallery is the best place for describing and organizing his aesthetic in a way that he can “share with everyone, graffiti fan or not.” In this video, Horfe gives an exclusive walk-through of some of his favorite piece for the exhibition while juxtaposing his works from inside and outside of the gallery.
For our latest Hypebeast video, we caught up with legendary street artist Horfe ahead of his “Imaginarium” exhibition at Topsafe London. Hailing from the city of Paris, Horfe’s playful comic-style of graffiti can be easily recognized as he has been steadily covering trains, streets and rooftops for over a decade. Expressing somewhat a disdain for gallery street artwork, as graffiti must be “illegal to fit that bill,” Horfe believes that the gallery is the best place for describing and organizing his aesthetic in a way that he can “share with everyone, graffiti fan or not.” In this video, Horfe gives an exclusive walk-through of some of his favorite piece for the exhibition while juxtaposing his works from inside and outside of the gallery.
Via Hypebeast