
Friends and Family Group Show – Video Recap

Come abbiamo avuto modo di vedere durante i giorni dell’Art Basel 2013 gli spazi della Yo 305 Gallery hanno ospitato “Friends and Family”, a distanza di tempo esce ore questo bel video recap che ripercorre gli istanti della mostra attraverso la voce e le parole degli artisti stessi.

Incentrato sui legami interpersonali prima e successivamente visivi, l’esibizione ha messo in campo un roster di artisti di primissimo livello, con le opere di 2501, 2 Alas, Axel Void, Alexis Diaz (La Pandilla), JAZ, Jufe e Pastel, Friends and Family ci ha mostrato i differenti aspetti ed i diversi approcci visivi e tematici di questo incredibile gruppo di star internazionali. In particolare il group show ha riunito gli interpreti in una sorta di famiglia mettendo in scena valori quale la cooperazione e la condivisione di idee ed intenti in una celebrazione assolutamente d’impatto ed espressiva.

Nel video edito dai ragazzi di Fordistas abbiamo l’opportunità di conoscere ogni singolo artista che parla a ruota libera dello show e del proprio personale approccio offrendoci quindi una nuova opportunità di approfondire il personale operato andando anche a dare un occhiata, con maggiore dettaglio, alle opere realizzate.

Il consiglio è quello di mettersi belli comodi e guastarsi il video, l’occasione è ghiotta e siamo certi che non mancherete di apprezzare, se invece volete dare uno sguardo più approfondito all’allestimento proposto dagli artisti vi rimandiamo al precedente post qui, enjoy it.

The Fordistas collective exhibition, Friends and Family, at the Yo <3 305 Gallery in Wynwood brought together the work of seven muralists who, for the first time, had the opportunity to meld their individual talents into a cohesive whole within a single space. United by friendships forged in exhibitions around the world as well as through shared styles and mediums, the international group of artists, made up of 2501, 2 Alas, Axel Void, Alexis Diaz, Jaz, Jufe, and Pastel, decided to join forces to present a show that emphasizes the values of cooperation among artists over those of competition. The shared exhibit accomplished a wide range of expressions and themes including the creative process behind 2501’s subconscious painting, with each voluminous line standing in as a symbol of the passing of time; the playfulness behind 2Alas’ dual collaboration and their incorporation of an iconic image from the 60s; the application of mural techniques on canvas seen in Alexis Diaz’s loose lines and texturized piranha; Jufe’s anti-statement on the ephemeral nature of art(work) in circuits such as those created by Art Basel represented in his nuke painting; Jaz’s fusion of the classical and the surreal in his Sagittarian influenced piece; Axel Void’s haunting and mysterious style as well as Pastel’s commentary on the displacement of local identity due to gentrification in neighborhoods such as Wynwood through a complex and unexpected, yet relevant, integration of local indigenous references to his own historical Northern Argentine identity and the tragically genocidal 1864 War of the Triple Alliance or Paraguayan War. Being that Street Art is one of the first acts in which art may be understood as truly collective, the Friends and Family exhibition consciously celebrates this fact and brings together a surprising and fresh variety of expression bound by canvas and collaboration. Catalina Ramírez

Text and Video by Fordistas

Friends and Family Group Show – Video Recap

Come abbiamo avuto modo di vedere durante i giorni dell’Art Basel 2013 gli spazi della Yo 305 Gallery hanno ospitato “Friends and Family”, a distanza di tempo esce ore questo bel video recap che ripercorre gli istanti della mostra attraverso la voce e le parole degli artisti stessi.

Incentrato sui legami interpersonali prima e successivamente visivi, l’esibizione ha messo in campo un roster di artisti di primissimo livello, con le opere di 2501, 2 Alas, Axel Void, Alexis Diaz (La Pandilla), JAZ, Jufe e Pastel, Friends and Family ci ha mostrato i differenti aspetti ed i diversi approcci visivi e tematici di questo incredibile gruppo di star internazionali. In particolare il group show ha riunito gli interpreti in una sorta di famiglia mettendo in scena valori quale la cooperazione e la condivisione di idee ed intenti in una celebrazione assolutamente d’impatto ed espressiva.

Nel video edito dai ragazzi di Fordistas abbiamo l’opportunità di conoscere ogni singolo artista che parla a ruota libera dello show e del proprio personale approccio offrendoci quindi una nuova opportunità di approfondire il personale operato andando anche a dare un occhiata, con maggiore dettaglio, alle opere realizzate.

Il consiglio è quello di mettersi belli comodi e guastarsi il video, l’occasione è ghiotta e siamo certi che non mancherete di apprezzare, se invece volete dare uno sguardo più approfondito all’allestimento proposto dagli artisti vi rimandiamo al precedente post qui, enjoy it.

The Fordistas collective exhibition, Friends and Family, at the Yo <3 305 Gallery in Wynwood brought together the work of seven muralists who, for the first time, had the opportunity to meld their individual talents into a cohesive whole within a single space. United by friendships forged in exhibitions around the world as well as through shared styles and mediums, the international group of artists, made up of 2501, 2 Alas, Axel Void, Alexis Diaz, Jaz, Jufe, and Pastel, decided to join forces to present a show that emphasizes the values of cooperation among artists over those of competition. The shared exhibit accomplished a wide range of expressions and themes including the creative process behind 2501’s subconscious painting, with each voluminous line standing in as a symbol of the passing of time; the playfulness behind 2Alas’ dual collaboration and their incorporation of an iconic image from the 60s; the application of mural techniques on canvas seen in Alexis Diaz’s loose lines and texturized piranha; Jufe’s anti-statement on the ephemeral nature of art(work) in circuits such as those created by Art Basel represented in his nuke painting; Jaz’s fusion of the classical and the surreal in his Sagittarian influenced piece; Axel Void’s haunting and mysterious style as well as Pastel’s commentary on the displacement of local identity due to gentrification in neighborhoods such as Wynwood through a complex and unexpected, yet relevant, integration of local indigenous references to his own historical Northern Argentine identity and the tragically genocidal 1864 War of the Triple Alliance or Paraguayan War. Being that Street Art is one of the first acts in which art may be understood as truly collective, the Friends and Family exhibition consciously celebrates this fact and brings together a surprising and fresh variety of expression bound by canvas and collaboration. Catalina Ramírez

Text and Video by Fordistas