
Breaking Bad – Opening Sequence by Martin Woutisseth

Breaking Bad è da poco riniziato con un altra stagione piena di sorprese per Mr Heisenberg e Jesse Pinkman che condurrà verso la fine della serie. L’artista e Motion Graphic Designer Martin Woutisseth offre il suo tributo alla serie targata AMC.

Nowadays, that’s very common, but I’m also a big fan of the TV serie Breaking Bad. Since a friend adviced me to took a look three or four years ago, I started to become very addicted to the Vince Gilligan’s cook. To me, everything is great ! The scenario of course, the cast, the acting, the visual ideas, the atmosphere… Everything is just so awesome…
So I decide to just make a tribute to Walter White by making an illustration, and then it was missing Jesse Pinkman, so I made it after. Why not a bad guy ? So I made Gustavo,and etc etc. Until I had thirteen characters. From that step, I was thinking, why not to make an animation ? But I thought, only characters would be weak… And after, two filmography (Kubrick and Burton) both in the same style, I needed to create something more dynamic and rock and roll, by still keeping my style and improving my motion design skills.

Il video, un pò pulp un pò Sin City, l’artista rielabora la sigla di apertura del telefilm, proponendo nella sua versione scenari e personaggi dell’ultima stagione conclusa.

Cliccate play e mettetevi comodi.

Via hypebeast

Breaking Bad – Opening Sequence by Martin Woutisseth

Breaking Bad è da poco riniziato con un altra stagione piena di sorprese per Mr Heisenberg e Jesse Pinkman che condurrà verso la fine della serie. L’artista e Motion Graphic Designer Martin Woutisseth offre il suo tributo alla serie targata AMC.

Nowadays, that’s very common, but I’m also a big fan of the TV serie Breaking Bad. Since a friend adviced me to took a look three or four years ago, I started to become very addicted to the Vince Gilligan’s cook. To me, everything is great ! The scenario of course, the cast, the acting, the visual ideas, the atmosphere… Everything is just so awesome…
So I decide to just make a tribute to Walter White by making an illustration, and then it was missing Jesse Pinkman, so I made it after. Why not a bad guy ? So I made Gustavo,and etc etc. Until I had thirteen characters. From that step, I was thinking, why not to make an animation ? But I thought, only characters would be weak… And after, two filmography (Kubrick and Burton) both in the same style, I needed to create something more dynamic and rock and roll, by still keeping my style and improving my motion design skills.

Il video, un pò pulp un pò Sin City, l’artista rielabora la sigla di apertura del telefilm, proponendo nella sua versione scenari e personaggi dell’ultima stagione conclusa.

Cliccate play e mettetevi comodi.

Via hypebeast