ROA – “Carrion” Solo Show at Backwoods Gallery | Preview
Quel genio di ROA dopo la splendida “Dominant Species” presso la 941 Geary Gallery di San Francisco si appresta ad aprire la sua prossima esibizione “Carrion” presso la Backwoods Gallery dall’altra parte del globo, in Australia.
His artwork has taken him across the world, and his massive and haunting murals featuring native fauna have made him one of this decade’s leading street artists.
ROA is an artist but at heart he’s also a zoologist and an explorer. His passion is derived from the study and the understanding of the animals he encounters.
ROA may be seen as the poetic conclusion to the nineteenth century explosion of scientific discovery – a time when Linnaeus, Darwin, et al entertained intellectual Europe with zoological discoveries, pristine environments and unimagined animals.
However, in the twenty first century, the message is a somber one. ROA’s work documents the tenuous cohabitation of animal and man within the new environment left in the the wake of discovery.
With subtle naivety, elegance and a style reminiscent of early natural history illustrations, ROA superimposes massive depictions of indigenous animals on walls, each one being a story of death and survival. Creatures perhaps acting as martyrs for the worlds which lay long forgotten at the foundations of our cities.This friction between man, animal, civilisation and nature is the focal point for ROA’s latest exhibition at Backwoods Gallery titled; “Carrion”.
Lo show aprirà le porte il 30 di Novembre fino al 16 di Dicembre, a suo tempo come di consueto tutte le immagini dell’apertura.
Backwoods Gallery,
25 Easey Street Collingwood
Collingwood Victoria, Australia